What is a Homeschool Co-Op?
It is when multiple families and students join together in Co-Operation to make their homeschool experience stronger. Champions Christian Academy (CCA) is the only private Christian school serving Cass County with grades PreK3-12th. We are highly supportive of families that choose to homeschool and we desire to Co-Op with them to become “STRONGER TOGETHER”.
Where is CCA located?
CCA is located at 702 Holly St. in Atlanta Texas with students attending from all over Cass County and other neighboring counties. Our campus is located on 10 acres with multiple buildings and outdoor facilities such as a baseball field, batting cage, pavilion, GaGa pit, Frisbee golf, basketball court, volleyball court, and walking and biking trails. In addition, our three main office buildings contain a sanctuary, library, media center, conference room, video filming room, and multiple classrooms.
How do we Co-Op together?
The cost to Co-Op with CCA is $50/year to cover uniforms and basic athletic equipment. CCA considers working with homeschool students a part of its mission. Families that are interested in their students participating in athletics, chapel, library, media center, etc. may simply submit the Homeschool Co-Op Agreement Form found below. If a student wants to participate in athletics then also submit the Athletic/PE Health Survey and Consent Form. Signing the consent form confirms that the Athletic Handbook has been read. If you have further questions you may email us at: info@christcentered.info
When do we Co-Op together?
Academics is our main priority at CCA. The students are working on campus from 8a-2:30p each day. Our extracurricular activities occur after academics, which starts at 2:30p. These activities usually last one hour until 3:30p. But, some activities such as sport’s practices may require later times and this will be discussed with parents as needed. For example, athletic events, might require extra time for practices, games, and travel to other locations for competition.
Co-Op parents/students may contact the Principal, Chris Woods, at 903-796-1805 to schedule use of the school’s other amenities such as the pavilion, library, media center, or sanctuary.
When can we Co-Op with Chapel Services?
Homeschoolers and their families are invited to attend CCA’s weekly chapel services. This is an extended time for preaching and worship that features songs, musical groups, guest speakers, as well as student, staff, and administration participation. Students are required to follow the Chapel dress code regulation. Parents and family are welcome to attend.
Chapel Services are held every Wednesday at 8:00a and lasts about 1 hour. Students should take-away the following from chapel services: 1) the reinforcement of the importance of church for church-going students, 2) providing at least one service a week for non-church going students, 3) a time of encouragement, 4) a time for spiritual growth, 5) a time to learn how to take notes during church services, 6) learning how to show respect for God’s house, 7) providing a time where students can practice quoting memorized Scriptures, and 8) providing opportunities for students to practice preaching, teaching, and speaking in public.
Forms & Handbook:
Homeschool Co-Op Agreement Form