1) Mission
CCA seeks to recruit and train volunteers to assist supervisors in meeting the needs of the students, which in turn, allows the supervisors to focus more of their time on the needs of students.
2) Overview
These Volunteer Policies have been developed to provide guidelines about volunteer policies and procedures for CCA. These policies are intended to ensure fair and consistent treatment of all volunteers. It is the intention of CCA to foster an atmosphere of mutual respect, non-discrimination, and trust based on clear lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability, and to provide volunteers with the flexibility necessary to meet other obligations. This manual will assist you in becoming familiar with the privileges and obligations of your volunteerism with the organization. None of the policies or guidelines are intended to give rise to contractual rights or obligations, or to be construed as a guarantee of continued volunteer engagement. Additionally, these guidelines are subject to modification, amendment, or revocation at any time, without advance notice.
3) Ethical And Legal Business Practices
CCA expects the highest standard of ethical conduct and fair dealing from each employee and volunteer. Our reputation is a valuable asset, and we must continually earn the trust, confidence and respect of our students, parents, guardians, and our community. These policies provide general guidance on the ethical principles that we all must follow, but no guideline can anticipate all situations. You should also be guided by basic honesty and good judgment and be sensitive to others’ perceptions and interpretations. If you have any questions about these policies, please consult the Academy Administrator, Beth Hill.
4) Attendance And Punctuality
Each volunteer is important to the overall success of CCA. Attendance, as scheduled, is a key factor in your performance and affects our success. When you are not here, someone else must perform activities usually handled by you. Punctuality and regular attendance are expected of all volunteers. Volunteers are expected to report to CCA at their scheduled time. Reporting on time means that you are ready to begin your scheduled task. Arriving on campus at your scheduled start time should be avoided. Please arrive early. Excessive absences (whether excused or unexcused), tardiness or leaving early is unacceptable. If you are absent for any reason or plan to arrive late or leave early, you must notify the Learning Center Supervisor, School Administrator, or leave a message on CCA‘s answering machine as far in advance as possible. Volunteers are depended on as scheduled.
5) Dress Code
CCA desires to present a professional image to our students, parents and/or guardians, and the community. All volunteers are required to wear khaki pants and black shirts. Volunteers should be neatly groomed, and clothes should be clean and in good repair. For off-site events, the Learning Center Supervisor will notify volunteers of any change in uniforms.
6) Severe Weather Conditions
CCA will be open except in cases of extreme weather. Should school be cancelled because of inclement weather, a cancellation notice will be communicated to volunteers through a phone call, text message, or other means as necessary. When the weather is questionable and the school is open, we encourage you to use your own good judgment in deciding whether you can safely report that day or not.
7) Reimbursement and Payment for Volunteers
Payment or reimbursement can be authorized for pre-approved reasonable and necessary expenses. Volunteers must obtain the advance consent of their supervisor before incurring expenses for which they will seek reimbursement. Approved expenses must be fully documented, with receipts attached, and are to be submitted to the appropriate staff member for payment within thirty (30) days of the date on which they were incurred. Receipts must be provided for all business-related expenditures to claim reimbursement. By definition, volunteers are not paid for their time. There will be no payment for volunteer services. This includes hourly wages and in-kind exchange for services. For example, if a volunteer has a student in the academy and they volunteer, then there will be no reduction in tuition costs as this would be defined as an in-kind exchange for services. If a volunteer has a student in the academy, then they do qualify to apply for scholarship help due to hardship. If a scholarship is granted it has no connection as to whether a person volunteers or doesn’t. They are mutually exclusive.
8) Conflict of Interest
Volunteers are expected to be sensitive to possible conflicts of interest. Activities that undermine CCA’s mission, core principles, strategies, positions, or goals constitute a conflict of interest. Transmitting personal comments or statements through e-mail or posting information to news groups that may be mistaken as the position of CCA also constitute conflicts of interest. If a volunteer creates a conflict of interest or refuses to end any activity or employment creating a conflict of interest, such behavior can be grounds for termination of their volunteer engagement.
9) Policy Against Workplace Harassment
CCA is committed to providing a work environment for all volunteers that is free from any form of harassment and intimidation. Volunteers are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to show respect to parents/guardians, staff, and students. Sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory harassment are illegal. CCA’s property (e.g., telephones, copy machines, computers, and computer applications such as e-mail and Internet) may not be used to engage in conduct that violates this policy. CCA’s policy against harassment covers volunteers and other individuals who have a relationship with CCA which enables CCA to exercise a degree of control over the individual’s conduct in places and activities that relate to CCA’s work. If you believe that you have experienced or witnessed sexual harassment or other discriminatory harassment by any volunteer of CCA, report the incident immediately to the Learning Center Supervisor, the School Administrator, or the Chief Executive Officer. CCA will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of harassment as discreetly and confidentially as practicable. Compliance with this policy is a condition of each volunteer’s engagement.
10) Workplace Violence
CCA is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy workplace, in part by promoting open, friendly, and supportive working relationships among all volunteers and employees. Violence is not an effective solution to any problem and violence, or threats of violence are unacceptable. Threats of violence or fighting will not be tolerated. If a CCA related issue is causing undue stress or agitation, the volunteer is encouraged to discuss it immediately with their supervisor.
11) Smoking/Vaping
Smoking/Vaping is not permitted on CCA’s ten-acre campus or at off-site events at which the volunteer is representing CCA. Volunteers may step outside the gate by the multi-purpose building to smoke or vape when on break time.
12) Drug Free Workplace
CCA is a drug-free workplace. We do not tolerate the presence of illegal drugs or the illegal use of legal drugs in our workplace. The use, possession, distribution, or sale of controlled substances such as drugs or alcohol or being under the influence of such controlled substances is strictly prohibited while volunteering or while on CCA’s premises or off-site events. If you need to take a prescription drug that affects your ability to perform your scheduled activity, you are required to discuss possible accommodations with your supervisor. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of your volunteerism.
13) Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information
Any information that a volunteer learns about CCA, its employees, volunteers, or students because of volunteering here that is not otherwise publicly available constitutes confidential information. Volunteers may not disclose confidential information to anyone who is not employed by CCA or to other persons employed by CCA who do not need to know such information. Any volunteer who discloses confidential information will be subject to disciplinary action (including possible termination of their volunteer engagement), even if he or she does not actually benefit from the disclosure of such information. Discussions involving sensitive information should always be held in confidential settings to safeguard the confidentiality of the information. Conversations regarding confidential information generally should not be conducted on cellular phones, or in elevators, restrooms, restaurants, or other places where conversations might be overheard.
14) Solicitation
Volunteers are prohibited from soliciting (personally or via electronic mail) for membership, pledges, subscriptions, the collection of money or for any other unauthorized purpose anywhere on CCA property while volunteering. Persons who are not employed by the organization may not solicit or distribute literature on the organization’s premises at any time for any reason. Volunteers are prohibited from distributing, circulating, or posting (on bulletin boards, refrigerators, walls, etc.) literature, petitions, or other materials at any time for any purpose without the prior approval of the Learning Center Supervisor, School Administrator, or Chief Executive Officer.
15) Computer and Information Security
This section sets forth some important rules relating to the use of CCA’s computer and communications systems. These systems include individual PCs provided to volunteers, centralized computer equipment, all associated software, and CCA’s telephone, voice mail and electronic mail systems. CCA has provided computer and communications systems to support its mission. Although limited personal use of these systems is allowed, subject to the restrictions outlined below, no use of these systems should ever conflict with the primary purpose for which they have been provided, CCA’s ethical responsibilities or with applicable laws and regulations. Each user is personally responsible to ensure that these guidelines are followed. All data in the organization’s computer and communication systems (including documents, other electronic files, email, and recorded voice mail messages) are the property of CCA and may be inspected and monitored at any time. No individual should have any expectation of privacy for messages or other data recorded in CCA’s systems. This includes documents or messages marked “private,” which may be inaccessible to most users but remain available to CCA. Likewise, the deletion of a document or message may not prevent access to the item or eliminate it from the system. CCA’s systems must not be used to create or transmit material that is derogatory, defamatory, obscene, or offensive, such as slurs, epithets or anything that might be construed as harassment or disparagement based on protected status. CCA’s systems must not be used to transmit personal comments or statements through e-mail or post information to news groups that may be mistaken as the position of CCA.
Security procedures in the form of unique user sign-on identification and passwords have been provided to control access to CCA’s host computer system, networks, and voice mail system. In addition, security measures have been provided to restrict access to certain documents and files for the purpose of safeguarding information. All usernames and passwords should be recorded with the Learning Center Supervisor, School Administrator, or Chief Executive Officer.
The following activities, which present security risks, should be avoided:
- Attempts to bypass, or render ineffective, security facilities provided by CCA
- Sharing passwords in the absence of legitimate business reasons
- Accessing the specific document files of other users in the absence of legitimate business reasons
- Changing or modifying hardware or software configurations of computer equipment without IT staff approval
- Loading personal software (including outside email services, games, instant messaging software) to company computers
- Downloading programs or installing programs copied from CCA computers without IT staff approval
- Loading unlicensed software on CCA’s computers
- Attempting to obtain unauthorized access to or use of other computer systems and/or data
- Copying company software (whether developed internally or licensed) onto other media other than for legitimate business reasons.
- Removing software documentation from CCA’s offices.
- Changing the location or installation of computer equipment in offices and work areas without approval from IT staff
There are several practices that individual users should adopt that will foster a higher level of security. Among them are the following:
- Log off your personal computer when you are leaving your area or office for an extended period unless instructed to do otherwise for system maintenance.
- Exercise judgment in assigning an appropriate level of security to documents stored on CCA’s networks, based on a realistic appraisal of the need for confidentiality or privacy.
- Remove previously written information from moveable storage devices before copying documents on such devices for delivery outside CCA.
- Back up any information stored locally on your workstation (other than network-based software and documents) on a frequent and regular basis.
Should you have any questions about any of the above policy guidelines, please contact the Learning Center Supervisor, School Administrator, or Chief Executive Officer.
16) Internet Acceptable Use
Access to the Internet is provided to volunteers to support the mission of CCA. No use of the Internet should conflict with the primary purpose of CCA, its ethical responsibilities or with applicable laws and regulations. Each user is personally responsible to ensure that these guidelines are followed. Serious repercussions, including being ineligible to volunteer, may result if the guidelines are not followed. CCA reserves the right to monitor Internet usage by volunteers, including reviewing a list of sites accessed. No individual should have any expectation of privacy in terms of his or her usage of the Internet. In addition, CCA may restrict access to certain sites that it deems are not necessary for business purposes. In addition to the restrictions named in Section 15, CCA’s Internet connections may not be used for any of the following activities:
- To download or disseminate copyrighted material that is an infringement of copyright law
- To transmit personal comments or statements through e-mail or to post information to news groups that may be mistaken as the position of CCA
- To disclose confidential information
- To send or participate in chain letters, pyramid schemes or other illegal schemes
- To solicit for commercial purposes, causes, outside organizations, chain messages or other related purposes.
17) Personal Electronics Acceptable Use
CCA understands that many volunteers have cell phones and other handheld communication devices. CCA prohibits the use of cell phones in any way that violates federal, state, or local laws or that is otherwise unsafe. Volunteers whose responsibilities may include driving are expected to use good judgment if the need to use a cell phone arises while driving. Safety must come before all other concerns. Volunteers are strongly encouraged to pull off to the side of the road and stop their vehicle before placing or accepting a call. Volunteers are encouraged to keep the calls short. Special care should be taken in situations where there is traffic, inclement weather, or the volunteer is driving in an unfamiliar area.
18) Background Checks
CCA requires Background checks on all its employees and volunteers. Volunteers will sign F-1015 Volunteer Policies Acceptance Form giving CCA permission to perform a Background check.
Please print and sign F-1015 Volunteer Policies Acceptance Form