The ministries that God has assigned us to prepare for Kingdom work though Christ Centered Homes, Inc. is multifaceted. Here is the Hub of our activities and you can link out to each location from the Hub:
One of our assignments was to develop a Team Ministry that would be free and easy to implement around the world. Our missionaries do not have funding to pay and need to be able to easily access all the materials and resources needed. So, in 2010, we launched Christ Centered Champions (CCC) to all countries that desired to have it. Because of the public school and private access to sporting type events we did not launch it in the U.S. And now because of many of our U.S. states going the direction of School Choice, there has developed a need to add it in to the Christian private school settings. There will be no need for our private schools to access any secular events unless they so choose. CCC is all any private school needs to provide for P.E., Athletics, or additional social club types of meetings. The directions for accessing all the materials are on our site at Christ Centered Champions.